Computer Education
(Information Brochure)
Add.: Cyber Space, Opp. Panch Mandir, Gole Market, Rudrapur
Contact: 9897440077
E-Mail: logicalbytesedu@gmail.com
Computer Education
(Information Brochure)
Add.: Cyber Space, Opp. Panch Mandir, Gole Market, Rudrapur
Contact: 9897440077
E-Mail: logicalbytesedu@gmail.com
Courses Offered:
- Computer Basics with Internet
- Programming Languages
a. C
b. C++
c. Java (Core, Advance)
d. J2EE
e. Visual Basic 6.0 - Scripting Languages
b. JavaScript
c. VbScript - Data Structures using C
- Hardware/Networking
1. Computer Basics:
Introduction: What is a Computer, Brief history of computers, Types of Computers, Characteristics of Computers, Basic Computer Organization, (Input, Output, Storage, ALU, Control Unit, CPU), Primary and Secondary Storage Devices, Software and Hardware, Operating System, Application Software.
MS-Word: Introduction to Microsoft Word, Components of a Document, Toolbars (Standard, Formatting and Drawing), Menus (File, Edit, View, Format etc.), Saving, Closing , New etc. Header-Footer, Printing a Document.
Introduction to Microsoft Excel, Components, Toolbars (Standard, Formatting etc.), Formula Bar, Working with sheets and workbooks, Menus (File, Edit etc.), Saving Worksheets and Workbooks, Using formulas and functions, Enhancing Data Representation (Print, Print Preview etc.), Working with Charts, Understanding Charts, Creating Charts, Changing size and position of a Charts.
Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint, Components of PowerPoint window (Standard Toolbar, Formatting Toolbar, Drawing Toolbar and Task Pan), Saving Presentation, Entering and Editing text, Creating a Presentation, Formatting, Working with Drawing tools (Drawing a Line, Selecting an Object, Using Auto shapes, Using WordArt), Changing the Appearance of Objects, Working with Clipart (Adding a Picture from the Clipart Gallery, Add an Image from a file, Scaling and sizing a Clipart Picture, Applying Animation Effects, Applying Transition Effects (What is slide transition?, Using slide transition).
2. Internet :
Opening Websites, Creating E-Mail ID’s, E-Mails (Login into your account, Checking Inbox mails, writing e-mails, adding addresses to Contacts, Sent mails, Trash Spam etc.), Surfing, searching.
3. Programming Languages:
a. C
Introduction to algorithms, flow charts, tracing flow charts, problem solving method, need for computer languages, Reading programs written in C language, C character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data types, Declaration, Expressions, Statements and symbols constant, # include, Define, if def, Preparing and Running a complete C program, Operators and expressions: Arithmetic , Unary, Logical, Bitwise, Assignment and conditional operators, Library functions,
Control Statements: While, Do-While, Nested Loops, if-else, Switch, Break, Continue and GOTO statement, Comma Operator.
Functions: Defining and accessing, Passing parameters, Function prototype, Recursion, Use of Library functions, Storage classes: Automatic, External and static variables. Arrays: Defining and processing, Passing to a function, Multi Dimensional Array.
Strings: Defining and processing, Operations on Strings,.
Pointers: Declarations, passing to a function, operations on pointers, pointers and arrays, arrays of pointers.
Structures and Unions: Defining and processing, Passing to a function.
Data Files: Open, Close, Create, Process, Unformatted Data Files.
b. C++
Introduction: Object oriented programming, characteristics of object orientated languages, classes.
C++ Basics: Program Statements, Variables and constants, Loops and Decisions.
Functions: Defining a function, function arguments & passing by value, arrays & pointers, function & strings, functions & structures.
Classes & Objects: Defining class, class constructors and destructors, operator overloading.
Class Inheritance: Derived class & base class; Virtual, Friends and Static functions, Multiple inheritance, Polymorphism.
Input/output files: Streams, buffers & io streams, header files, redirection, file input and output.
c. Visual Basic 6.0
Introduction: VB program development process, VB environment, Opening a VB project, Saving a VB project, saving a VB project, Running a VB project.
VB Fundamentals: Constants, Variables, Data types and Declarations, Operators and Expressions, Hierarchy of operators, String Expressions, Library Functions, Branching and looping statements (if-else, if-then-else, for-next, Do-Loop, While-Wend).
VB Control Fundamental: VB Controls (Text Boxes, labels, check boxes, radio buttons etc.), Working with controls, Naming forms and controls, Assigning property values to forms and controls, Assigning properties collectively(The with block), Generating error messages (The MsgBox function).
Menus and Dialog boxes: Building Drop-Down menus, Menu shortcuts, Submenus, Pop-up menus, Dialog Boxes, Input Boxes.
Executing and Debugging a New Project: Syntax Errors, Logical Errors, and Setting Break Points.
Procedures: Modules and Procedures, Sub Procedures, Event Procedures, Function Procedures, Scope, Optional Arguments.
Arrays: Characteristics, Declaration, Processing Array Elements, Passing Arrays to Procedures, Dynamic arrays, Array–Related Functions, Control Arrays.
Using Class Modules: Object Oriented Principles, Creating Class Modules, Using Class Modules, Adding Properties, Events and Methods.
d. Java (Core)
Introduction: Creation of java, Characteristics of Java (Security, Portability, Robust, Multithreaded etc.), The java byte code, Object Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Programming Features (encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism).
Java Basics: Data-Types, Variables and Arrays, Operators (Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational etc.), Control Statement (if, switch), Iteration Statement (while, do…while, for), Jump Statements (break, continue, return).
Java an OO Languages: Introducing Classes (Objects, methods, constructors etc.), Garbage Collection and the finalize() method, keywords (Super, This, Static), String (the String Constructor, String Length, String Operations), String tokenizer, string buffer, final class, abstract classes, Overloading (Methods, Constructors), Passing arguments, recursion, encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance.
Packages and Interfaces:
Packages: Defining Packages, understanding CLASSPATH, access protection, importing packages.
Interfaces: Defining an Interface, implementing interfaces, applying interface.
Exception Handling: Fundamentals, types, try & catch, throw, throws, finally, using exception.
Threading: Thread model, Main thread, creating thread, creating multiple threads, using (isAlive(), join(), supend(), resume()), using multithreading.
Input/output: reading/writing console input/output. Reading/writing files.
Introduction: What is a Computer, Brief history of computers, Types of Computers, Characteristics of Computers, Basic Computer Organization, (Input, Output, Storage, ALU, Control Unit, CPU), Primary and Secondary Storage Devices, Software and Hardware, Operating System, Application Software.
MS-Word: Introduction to Microsoft Word, Components of a Document, Toolbars (Standard, Formatting and Drawing), Menus (File, Edit, View, Format etc.), Saving, Closing , New etc. Header-Footer, Printing a Document.
Introduction to Microsoft Excel, Components, Toolbars (Standard, Formatting etc.), Formula Bar, Working with sheets and workbooks, Menus (File, Edit etc.), Saving Worksheets and Workbooks, Using formulas and functions, Enhancing Data Representation (Print, Print Preview etc.), Working with Charts, Understanding Charts, Creating Charts, Changing size and position of a Charts.
Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint, Components of PowerPoint window (Standard Toolbar, Formatting Toolbar, Drawing Toolbar and Task Pan), Saving Presentation, Entering and Editing text, Creating a Presentation, Formatting, Working with Drawing tools (Drawing a Line, Selecting an Object, Using Auto shapes, Using WordArt), Changing the Appearance of Objects, Working with Clipart (Adding a Picture from the Clipart Gallery, Add an Image from a file, Scaling and sizing a Clipart Picture, Applying Animation Effects, Applying Transition Effects (What is slide transition?, Using slide transition).
2. Internet :
Opening Websites, Creating E-Mail ID’s, E-Mails (Login into your account, Checking Inbox mails, writing e-mails, adding addresses to Contacts, Sent mails, Trash Spam etc.), Surfing, searching.
3. Programming Languages:
a. C
Introduction to algorithms, flow charts, tracing flow charts, problem solving method, need for computer languages, Reading programs written in C language, C character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data types, Declaration, Expressions, Statements and symbols constant, # include, Define, if def, Preparing and Running a complete C program, Operators and expressions: Arithmetic , Unary, Logical, Bitwise, Assignment and conditional operators, Library functions,
Control Statements: While, Do-While, Nested Loops, if-else, Switch, Break, Continue and GOTO statement, Comma Operator.
Functions: Defining and accessing, Passing parameters, Function prototype, Recursion, Use of Library functions, Storage classes: Automatic, External and static variables. Arrays: Defining and processing, Passing to a function, Multi Dimensional Array.
Strings: Defining and processing, Operations on Strings,.
Pointers: Declarations, passing to a function, operations on pointers, pointers and arrays, arrays of pointers.
Structures and Unions: Defining and processing, Passing to a function.
Data Files: Open, Close, Create, Process, Unformatted Data Files.
b. C++
Introduction: Object oriented programming, characteristics of object orientated languages, classes.
C++ Basics: Program Statements, Variables and constants, Loops and Decisions.
Functions: Defining a function, function arguments & passing by value, arrays & pointers, function & strings, functions & structures.
Classes & Objects: Defining class, class constructors and destructors, operator overloading.
Class Inheritance: Derived class & base class; Virtual, Friends and Static functions, Multiple inheritance, Polymorphism.
Input/output files: Streams, buffers & io streams, header files, redirection, file input and output.
c. Visual Basic 6.0
Introduction: VB program development process, VB environment, Opening a VB project, Saving a VB project, saving a VB project, Running a VB project.
VB Fundamentals: Constants, Variables, Data types and Declarations, Operators and Expressions, Hierarchy of operators, String Expressions, Library Functions, Branching and looping statements (if-else, if-then-else, for-next, Do-Loop, While-Wend).
VB Control Fundamental: VB Controls (Text Boxes, labels, check boxes, radio buttons etc.), Working with controls, Naming forms and controls, Assigning property values to forms and controls, Assigning properties collectively(The with block), Generating error messages (The MsgBox function).
Menus and Dialog boxes: Building Drop-Down menus, Menu shortcuts, Submenus, Pop-up menus, Dialog Boxes, Input Boxes.
Executing and Debugging a New Project: Syntax Errors, Logical Errors, and Setting Break Points.
Procedures: Modules and Procedures, Sub Procedures, Event Procedures, Function Procedures, Scope, Optional Arguments.
Arrays: Characteristics, Declaration, Processing Array Elements, Passing Arrays to Procedures, Dynamic arrays, Array–Related Functions, Control Arrays.
Using Class Modules: Object Oriented Principles, Creating Class Modules, Using Class Modules, Adding Properties, Events and Methods.
d. Java (Core)
Introduction: Creation of java, Characteristics of Java (Security, Portability, Robust, Multithreaded etc.), The java byte code, Object Oriented Programming, Object Oriented Programming Features (encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism).
Java Basics: Data-Types, Variables and Arrays, Operators (Arithmetic, Bitwise, Relational etc.), Control Statement (if, switch), Iteration Statement (while, do…while, for), Jump Statements (break, continue, return).
Java an OO Languages: Introducing Classes (Objects, methods, constructors etc.), Garbage Collection and the finalize() method, keywords (Super, This, Static), String (the String Constructor, String Length, String Operations), String tokenizer, string buffer, final class, abstract classes, Overloading (Methods, Constructors), Passing arguments, recursion, encapsulation, polymorphism and inheritance.
Packages and Interfaces:
Packages: Defining Packages, understanding CLASSPATH, access protection, importing packages.
Interfaces: Defining an Interface, implementing interfaces, applying interface.
Exception Handling: Fundamentals, types, try & catch, throw, throws, finally, using exception.
Threading: Thread model, Main thread, creating thread, creating multiple threads, using (isAlive(), join(), supend(), resume()), using multithreading.
Input/output: reading/writing console input/output. Reading/writing files.
e. Java (Advance)
Applets: Java Applets (life cycle of applet, Running applet, Passing parameters on applet, Drawing images on the applet), AWT Package, Event Handling and Swing.
JDBC (Java Database Connectivity): Introduction, DriverManager Class, Java SQL Package, Connectivity to database, Creating JDBC Statement, SQl Exception.
Networking: Client/Server, Domain Name Server, Port, Socket, Protocol.
f. J2EE
Servlet: Servlet API basic, Method (Post, Get), Lifecycle of Servlet, Running Servlet, Debugging Servlet, Container, Thread Servlet, HTTP Servlet (DoGet, DoPost), Request Object, Response Object, HTTP Redirect, Cookies, Generic Servlet, Marker Interface, Session Management, Servlet Context,.
JSP: Fundamental.
Elements of JSP: Directives (Include, Tag Library), Scripting Elements(Scriplets, Declaration, Expression), Action Elements (JSP: Use Bean, JSP: Include etc.).
JSP Beans, JSP Custom Tags, Scriplets JSP (Expression Language, JSP Standard Tag Library)
g. Data Structure using C
Introduction to Data Structure: Basic concept of data, Problem analysis , algorithm complexity, The Big O notation and time space trade off.
Stacks & Queues: Basics of stacks and queues, Recursion, Polish notation, circular Queues, Priority Queues.
Linked Lists: Single linked list, circular linked list, doubly linked list and dynamic storage management, generalized list, Garbage Collection.
Trees: Definition & Concepts, Basic trees, Binary tree representations, threaded storage representation, binary tree traversals, and application of trees.
Searching and sorting: use of various data structures for searching and sorting, linear and binary search, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, bubble sort, quick sort, Heap sort.
Introduction to HTML: Web Server, Web Client, Browser, HTML Tags, Paired Tags, Titles and Footers, Text Formatting, (Paragraph Breaks, Line Breaks), Heading Styles, Drawing Lines, Text Styles (Bold Italic Underline).
Lists: Unordered Lists, Ordered Lists, Adding Graphics to HTML Documents, Using the Borders, Width, Height, Align Attributes.
Tables: Header, Data Rows, Caption Tag, Attribute width, Border CellSpacing, Colspan etc)
Linking Documents: Links (External Document References, Internal Document Reference), Images as Hyperlinks.
Frame: Introduction to Frames.
DHTML: Cascading Style Sheets, Font Attributes, Color and Background Attributes, Text Attributes, Border Attributes, List Attributes.
Class: Using the
External Style Sheets:
i. JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript: JavaScript in WebPages, Advantages of JavaScript, Writing JavaScript into HTML, Building up JavaScript Syntax.
Basic Programming Techniques: Data Types and Literals, Type Casting, Creating Variables, Incorporating variables in a Script, The JavaScript Array, The Elements of an Array.
Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators, Logical Operators, Comparison Operators, String Operators, Assignment Operator, the Conditional Expression Ternary Operator, Special Operators.
JavaScript Programming Constructs
Conditional Checking: If-then-else, Immediate if.
Super Controlled Endless Loops: For LOOP
Functions in JavaScript: Built-in Functions, User Defined Functions, Declaring Functions, Place of Declaration, Passing Parameters, Variable Scope, Return Values, Recursive Functions.
Placing Text in a Browser
Dialog Boxes: Alert Dialog Box, Prompt Dialog Box, Confirm Dialog Box.
JavaScript Document Object Model: Instance, Hierarchy.
Objects in JavaScript: Properties of HTML Objects, Methods of HTML Objects.
Browser Objects: Web Page HTML Object Hierarchy, Access to Elements of a Web Page, Manipulating Web Page Elements.
Handling Events Using JavaScript: Named JavaScript Event Handlers.
Forms Used by a Web Site:
The From Object
The Form Object Methods: Text Element, Password Element, Button Element, Submit (Button) Element, Reset (Button) Element, Check Box Element, Radio Element, Text Area Element, Select and Option Element, Multi Choice Select Lists Element.
Other Built-in Objects: String Object, Math Object, Date Object.
User Defined Objects: Creating a User Object, Instances, Objects within Objects.
Cookies: What are Cookies, Setting a Cookie.
J. VBScript
Introduction: About VBScript, Client Side Scripting, Server Side Scripting.
VBScript Syntax: Inserting Client Side VBScript into an HTML Page, Inserting VBScript into an Active Server Page, Syntax and Conventions (Case Sensitivity, White Space, Strings and Quotation Marks, Brackets (Opening and Closing), Comments, Variable and Function Names).
Basic Programming Constructs: Declaring Variables, Types of Variables, Supported Data types, Using Operators, VBScript Operators, Control Structures (Loops (Do..while, Do… Until, For…Next, While…Next) and Branches (If Statement, Switch Statement)), Functions (Built-in Functions, User Defined Functions, Calling a Subroutine, Function…End Function).
Objects, Events and the Document Object Model: Arrays, Re-dimensioning an Array, Object, the Document Object Model (DOM), Events (onClick, onSubmit, onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onFocus, onChange, onBlur, onLoad, onUnload).
4. Hardware—Networking
Hardware: Fundamental of Hardware, Various peripherals of Computer System, Assembling and dissembling, Families of Computer H/W, Installation (Different OS, Application S/W, Drivers).
Networking: Fundamentals of N/W, Different N/W Technologies, OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, Wired & Wireless N/W, Managing & Maintaining Windows Server 2003/XP infrastructure, Client-Server N/W.